
Sprats Salad – Cocktail


1 can sprats
1 small lemon
3 medium boiled potatoes
2 hardboiled eggs
¼ lb grated cheese
Mayonnaise on taste


Cut sprats into small pieces using a fork, place in a salad bowl.
Cut lemon into small, thin parts, and place them over the sprats’ layer.
Cover with a very thin mayonnaise layer.
Peel potatoes, and grate them, then place them over the Mayo.
Cover the potatoes with a very thin layer of mayonnaise.

Salmon Salad


0.5 lb salmon, boiled, canned, or smoked
2 hard-boiled eggs
2 cups boiled rice
1 large salted cucumber (or 4-5 medium pickles)
0.5 cup green onion cuts


Cut all ingredients into same-size-cubes, add Mayo, mix very well, and serve.


You can keep this salad for a few hours in a refrigerator.

Eggplant Salad


2 medium eggplants
3 sweet tomatoes
1 sweet red onion
Parsley, salt, sugar, ground black pepper, and vegetable oil on taste


Sprinkle eggplants with vegetable oil, and bake them in an oven pre-heated to 380 F.
Peel the eggplants, onions, and tomatoes.
Cut all of these into very small pieces (do not process, do not grate!)
Cut parsley into small pieces.
Mix all the ingredients, add spices on taste, stir well, and serve.

Salad a la Piedmont


2/3 lb potatoes
1/4 lb white truffles
1 tbsp vinegar
3 tbsp olive oil
4 tbsp anchovy fillets
Pinch of salt


Boil potatoes, peel, and cut into julienne cut.
Cut the truffles into the julienne-style cuts.
Mix the potatoes and truffles together.
Blend vinegar, olive oil, and salt.
Pour this over the potatoes-mushroom mix, and stir well.
Put in a salad bowl, and decorate with anchovy fillets.


Calamari Salad


1 lb calamari
2 large shallot onions
3 hardboiled eggs
5 tbsp Mayonnaise
1-2 tbsp vegetable oil
Salt and pepper on taste


Remove the skin from a calamari, wash, and put it in boiling salted water for 2-3 minutes (no more!).
Let cool in the broth, then drain calamari, and cut into julienne-style cuts.
Grate the eggs on a large grater.
Peel the onions, cut into thin rings, and stir-fry in vegetable oil until they turn gold. Drain the onions.

Chicken – Apple Salad


3 parts boiled, de-boned, de-skinned chicken breast
1 part cucumber
1 part canned green peas
1 part green apple
3 tbsp sour cream
1 part sweet onions


Cut the meat, cucumber, apple, and onions into julienne-cut pieces.
Mix together, add the green peas and sour cream, stir well, and serve.

Warm Liver Salad


2 parts boiled liver
1 part carrot
1 part shallot onions
3 tbsp olive oil
garlic, greens, and mayonnaise on taste


Peel liver, and cut it into julienne-style pieces.
Peel and grate carrots.
Peel onions, and cut into small cubes.
Stir-fry the carrots and onions with olive oil on medium heating, for 3-5 minutes.
Press garlic. Cut greens into small pieces.
Mix all ingredients, and serve.

Tuna Salad


1 can tuna in water
½ English cucumber
1 can sweet corn
3 hardboiled eggs
mayonnaise or sour cream on taste


Cut cucumber into small cubes, peel and grate the eggs.
Mix all ingredients together, add Mayo or sour cream, stir well, and serve.

Liver Salad


2 parts boiled liver
1 part grated cheese
1 part grated walnuts
Pressed garlic and mayonnaise on taste


Peel liver, and cut it into julienne-style pieces.
Mix all ingredients, let sit for 20 minutes at room temperature, and serve.

"Kamchatka" Salad


1 lb boiled cod fillets
1 lb boiled peeled potatoes
3 tomatoes
2 boiled carrots
0.5 can green peas
0.5 cup cow-berry
1 bunch green onions
2 hardboiled eggs

For sauce:
6 tbsp vegetable oil
(optional) 2-6 tbsp 3% vinegar
Salt, sugar, ground black pepper on taste


Cut vegetables into small, thin slices (or grate on a large grater).
Mix prepared vegetables with green peas and cow-berry.

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