
Pear-Gorgonzola Salad

Ingredients for 3:

3 large reaped, but not mild yet, pears
0.5 lb crumbled cheese
0.5 lb salad mix greens, on your taste
0.5 lemon
4 tbsp vinegar-olive oil-spices mix


Remove seeds end ends of peers, and slice the pears into thin cuts, then sprinkle with lemon juice.

Sprinkle salad greens with vinegar-olive oil-spices mix, stir well.

Carrot - Pineapple Salad


1 large carrot
1 lb pineapple – fresh peeled rings
2 tbsp wine vinegar or lemon juice
2 tbsp mustard
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp non-fat sour cream or yogurt
Pinch of ground black pepper


Grate carrots.
Cut pineapple into very small cubes, and mix with carrots.
Make a dressing:
Whip lemon juice and mustard together until even consistency.
Add olive oil teaspoon at a time, and whip until even consistency.

Green Valley Salad


1 lb young green cabbage
1 English cucumber
3 stalks green onions
Dill and parsley on taste
Balsamic vinegar
Olive oil
Salt on taste


Cut cabbage into angel hairstyle cuts.
Cut cucumber into thin short slices (or grate it).
Cut green onions, dill, and parsley into small cuts.
Blend vinegar, oil, and salt together.
Mix all ingredients, let sit for 10 minutes at room temperature, and serve.

Sunny Salad


6 medium oranges
4 medium carrots
0.5 cup raisins
4 tsp sesame seeds
1 lb green or Savoy cabbage


Cut the carrots into thin slices.
Peel oranges, and grate 4 of them. Remove seeds.
Mix carrots and oranges.
Grate the cabbage (or slice it into very thin strips kind of like ”angel hairs”).
Mix cabbage and raisins, and place them in a deep salad bowl.
Add the carrots-oranges mix to the cabbage, and stir well.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Apple-Cabbage Salad


2 cups cabbage
1 medium carrot
1/2 chopped green pepper
1 apple
5 tablespoons lowfat yogurt
1 tablespoon lowfat mayonnaise
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon dill weed
Salt and pepper on taste


Cut the cabbage into fine shreds, until you have 2 cups of cabbage.
Peel and grate the carrot with a grater.
Cut half a green pepper into small pieces.
Peel and grate the apple with a grater.

Chicken-Mushroom-Cheese Salad

Ingredients for 5:

1/2 lb boiled with salt and greens chicken meat
1/4 lb brined, pickled, or salted mushrooms
1/2 lb grated cheese
1/4 lb canned green peas
1/2 cup sour cream
Horseradish, salt, pepper, greens and spices on taste


Cut chicken meat and mushrooms into small cubes. Mix sour cream with horseradish and spices.
Mix all ingredients, place in a salad bowl, and decorate with greens.

Salad-Cocktail with Calamari


1 lb boiled calamari
2 medium onions
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 green apple
2 medium salted (or brined) cucumbers
2 medium boiled carrots
4 hardboiled eggs
1 cup Light Mayonnaise mixed with pressed garlic
1 bunch Italian Parsley
Green and black olives and lemon for decoration


Cut calamari and onions into julienne cuts.
Peel and grate vegetables, separately.
Stir-fry grated onions for 2 minutes with vegetable oil.

Classic Calamari Salad


1 lb calamari steaks
1 hardboiled egg
2/4 lb potatoes
0.5 lb carrots
1 cup boiled (or canned) green peas
1 medium brined (or fresh) cucumber
1 green apple
0.5 cup sour cream (or Mayo)
Salt, pepper, dill on taste


Bring water to boil, add 1 tsp salt, and boil the calamari steaks for 3 minutes, then place them in cold water for 1 minute, and de-skin.
Boil potatoes and carrots to readiness, then cool, peel, and cut into small cubes.

Salad Vitamin

Ingredients for 4:

5 carrots
0.5 lb green cabbage
3 garlic cloves
Grated cheese
Dressing (plain yogurt, or kefir, or sour cream, or mayonnaise, or their mix)
Pomegranate seeds on taste


Grate washed vegetables, put them in a salad bowl, add grated cheese, dressing and pomegranate seeds, mix well, and serve.

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