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Salt Steelhead


1.5 lb fish (steelhead, rainbow trout, chum salmon, salmon, etc.)
2 tsp large milling salt (coarse sea salt)
1 tbsp sugar or honey


Defrost in a refrigerator if necessary.
Make a cut on the spine. Remove bones.
Mix salt and sugar. Sprinkle fish meat with this mix evenly. Then stack fillets (skin outside), full in the salt. Any salt that does not stick to the fish, put on a clean fabric piece in an even layer. Put fish over it, and roll tightly with the fabric.

Chicken-Carrot Warm Salad


1 chicken breast
3 carrots
1 shallot onion
2 garlic cloves
2 tbsp vegetable oil
Mayonnaise on taste


Boil chicken breast until readiness, drain, and cool.
Grate carrots, and fry with 1 tbsp vegetable oil for about 4-5 minutes with medium heating.
Cut onions into small cubes, and fry on another skillet with 1 tbsp vegetable oil for about 2-3 minutes.
Cut chicken into small cubes, and mix with warm fried carrots and fried onions.

Herring in sour cream


1 large salted herring
Small shallot onion
1 medium apple
0.4 lb sour cream
1-2 tbsp lemon juice
Salt and sugar on taste
Dill greens for decoration


Soak the herring in water for 12 hours, drain, and soak the herring in milk for 12 hours.
Clean, remove all bones, and cut into medium pieces.
Cut onions into medium slices; grate peeled the apple, then mix the apple, onions, and sour cream.

Buckwheat pancakes


1 lb buckwheat kasha
0.5 lb grated cheese
2 eggs
0.5 lb bread crumbs
3 tbsp vegetable oil
Salt and pepper on taste

To make buckwheat kasha, cook 2 measure cups of buckwheat and 4 measure cups of water in a rice-cooker or in a saucepan under a lid for 25 minutes. Cool until warm.
Mix kasha, cheese, eggs, salt, and pepper (optional).
Make round pancakes from the dough. Turn them in breadcrumbs to cover both sides, fry on a skillet with vegetable oil.

Cheese-bacon-corn balls – appetizer

Ingredients for 35:

3 bacon stripes
1/3 lb butter
0.5 lb grated cheese
2 tbsp grated Parmesan
1 cup all-purpose flour
0.25 cup corn flour
2 tsp poppy seeds and 2 tbsp grated cheese for sprinkling.


Cut bacon into very small pieces, and fry on a skillet until it turns crunchy, then drain on a paper towels.
Whip butter, add all cheeses, continue whipping.
Add both flours by the tablespoons, continuing whip.
Add bacon, and whip all together well.

Zucchini soup – puree


1 lb zucchini
1 large shallot onion
2.5 lb broth
1 medium carrot
2 garlic cloves
1 pack cream cheese (Philadelphia, Neushatel, or other)
2 tbsp bread crumbs
1 small bunch dill
1 small bunch tarragon
4 tbsp croutons (optional)
Salt and spices on taste


Peel and grate carrot and onions.
Cut zucchini, add them to boiling water or broth, and boil with low heating for 5 minutes.

Chahohbili (Georgian-style Chicken)

Georgia means Georgia in the Caucasus, a former part of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.


4 lb chicken
¼ lb butter
2 lb onions
2 large tomatoes
1 large sweet red pepper
4 tbsp tomato paste
½ hot chili pepper
Salt on taste

2 bunch Italian parsley
1 bunch coriander greens
3 cloves garlic
Hot pepper on taste
Salt on taste


Melt butter in a deep non-stick saucepan.

Zrazy with eggs


1-1.5 lb chicken de-boned breasts
1/5 lb uncooked bacon
4 tbsp cold water
Salt and pepper on taste
4 tbsp vegetable oil

For stuffing:
1 hardboiled egg
1 small bunch parsley greens


Grate the egg, cut greens into small pieces, and mix them together.
Grate the chicken and bacon together; add salt, pepper, and mix, adding cold water by tablespoons.

Eggplant salad with walnut sauce


1 lb eggplants
½ lb tomatoes
Salt on taste
Vegetable oil

For walnut sauce:
2 tbsp crushed walnuts
1 garlic clove
Salt, pepper, basil


Peel eggplants, cut into 4 or 8 parts, place on a baking sheet greased with oil.
Pre-heat an oven to 400°F.
Wash eggplants with oil, and sprinkle with salt.
Bake for about 30 minutes.
Let cool.

Pork-mushroom rolls


1.5 lb boneless pork, thinly sliced
1 egg
4 tbsp breadcrumbs
3 tbsp melted pork fat
3 tbsp butter
For stuffing
0.5 lb mushrooms
2 shallot onions
¼ lb ham
3 tbsp sour cream, or mayonnaise, or thick milk sauce


Boil mushrooms with 2 tbsp water for about 15 minutes with medium heating.
Cool and slice into julienne cuts.
Cut ham into small cubes.

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