
Pollock with egg sauce


1 lb fish fillets Pollock (or Cod, or other white meat fish)
1 cup flour
4 tbsp vegetable oil
4-5 medium potatoes
Fish spices, salt, ground pepper on taste

For sauce:

2 hardboiled eggs
3 tbsp Mayonnaise
1 tbsp sour cream
2 tbsp butter or margarine
2 cup milk
1 large onion


Buckwheat with ground meat


0.5 lb buckwheat
0.5 lb ground meat
3 tbsp vegetable oil
3 onions
Salt, ground black pepper (optional), dried celery (optional) on taste


Boil buckwheat in water (or milk), 1 part buckwheat for 3 parts water, until readiness.
Peel the onions, slice into thin short strips.
Stir-fry onions in a deep skillet with the vegetable oil, until color changes to gold, then add ground meat to the skillet, stir-fry until ground meat is ready.

Brussels Sprouts Soup-Puree

Ingredients for 1 portion:

1.5 cup water
1/3 lb Brussels sprouts
3 tbsp rice
0.5 cup milk or whipping cream
1 egg
Salt and butter (optional)


Boil the water, put rice and Brussels sprouts in the boiling water, and boil with low heating until they are ready.
Keep the broth.
Make puree from the Brussels sprouts and rice.
Mix the puree and the broth, bring to boil, and turn off the heating.
Whip the milk and the egg, and pour in the soup cooled to 120 F.

Sweet Plov


1 cup rice per portion
7 tbsp butter
tsp salt
lb white raisins
4 large onions
0.5 lb dried pitted apricots (kuraga)
0.5 lb dried pitted plums
1 lb boiled chicken breast


Soak raisins in warm water.
Boil rice in salt water to readiness, then drain. Put 1 tbsp butter on the bottom of a medium saucepan, put the rice over it, and pour 2 tbsp melted butter over the rice.
Cook with very small heating for about 35 minutes.

Apple Pancakes


1 cup apple puree
0.5 cup wheat flour
0.5 cup sugar
2 oz melted butter or margarine
0.5 tsp salt


Mix all ingredients; allow sitting for 1 hour at room temperature, and cooking pancakes as usual.

Lemon Cream Сake


1.5 cup flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
4 egg whites
0.75 cup milk
0.5 cup sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice

For cream:
1 lemon
4 egg yolks
0.5 cup sugar
About 1 lb 30% fat sour cream or whipping cream


Mix flour and baking powder, add milk, and make dough.
Whip egg whites with sugar and lemon juice to a mild peak consistency.
Add half of the whipped whites to the dough, and blend well.

Appetizer "Tornado"


1 cup cooked rice
1 can sprats
1 can corn
4 hardboiled eggs
2 medium onions
½ cup peeled walnuts
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp Mayo
1 cup grated cheese
Greens on taste
1 tbsp margarine


Grease an oven-safe dish with margarine; put a layer of cooked rice on the bottom. Then add a layers of sprats, corn, cut into rings eggs, rings of onions, and walnuts.

Potato fingers


2 lb potatoes
0.5 cup flour
1 egg
1 onion
2 tbsp margarine or butter
Bread crumbs (2 parts), caraway(1 part), salt (1 part) mix


Peel and grate onions, or cut into small cubes.
Melt margarine on a skillet; put onions in the skillet, and cook, stirring, while the onions turn clear.
Boil potatoes, and make puree with them, cooked onions, and an egg, then add flour, and make dough. Roll the dough in 1” width, 2” length dough tubes.

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