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Salad with Crab Meat


2/3 lb crab meat or imitation
½ English cucumber
3 hard-boiled eggs
½ cup shredded cabbage
Salt and parsley on taste


Cut the crabmeat/imitation into small pieces.

Grate cucumber and peeled eggs.

Mix all ingredients, place in a refrigerator for 20 minutes, decorate with parsley, and serve.


You may use more cucumber.

Home-Made Crème Fraiche


1 cup (200 ml) whipping cream 20% – 38% fat
2 tbsp buttermilk


1 clean can with a lid


Mix lukewarm milk and buttermilk in the can.

Cover with a lid, and let sit 12 – 24 hours in a room temperature.

Then, stir with a dry clean spoon thoroughly, cover with the lid, and put in a refrigerator for about 12 hours.

Afterwards, the Crème Fraiche (French sour cream) is ready to eat.

Home-Made Cheese with Greens


0.5 gallon milk
1.5 lb buttermilk (600 ml)
3 eggs
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp greens (dill, parsley, shives, etc.)


Pour milk in a large sauce pan, and bring to boil.

Blend the eggs and buttermilk, pour the boiling milk in, stirring constantly, and bring to boil, then turn off the heating.

Let sit for about 20 minutes, and then sift.

Add salt (optional) and cut greens to this mix, stir well.

Home-Made Crème Fraiche


1 cup (200 ml) whipping cream 20% – 38% fat
2 tbsp buttermilk


1 clean can with a lid


Mix lukewarm milk and buttermilk in the can.

Cover with a lid, and let sit 12 – 24 hours in a room temperature.

Then, stir with a dry clean spoon thoroughly, cover with the lid, and put in a refrigerator for about 12 hours.

Afterwards, the Crème Fraiche (French sour cream) is ready to eat.

Home-Made Mascarpone Cheese


1 l (1/4 gallon) whipping cream 15% fat (or 22% fat)
¼ tsp citric acid

Necessary supplies:

Possibly unexpected tools:
2 dry (!) ceramic, glass or enameled saucepans (No metallic pans!)
1 piece of clean linen fabric


Pour whipping cream into the saucepan, and heat at low heating to 75 C (170 F).
Do not overheat!

Dissolve citric acid with 1 tsp water.
Pour this sour liquid into the warm whipping cream.

Home-Made Yogurt


½ gallon milk
18 tablespoons natural plain yogurt with live bacteria


Pour the milk in a glass or enameled saucepan, and bring to boil with low heating, and boil for 30 minutes.

Let to cool until lukewarm temperature.

Pour the yogurt in another saucepan, add 2 cup warm milk, and stir until an even consistency.

Then, pour this mix in the warm milk, stir, cover with a lid, and cover with fabrics to prevent fast cooling.

Home-Made Ricotta

Ingredients for 2 lb ricotta:

2 gal milk
2 yogurt cups with live bacteria
0.75 cup fresh-pressed lemon juice


Stir milk and yogurt together, turn heating on medium and heat until bubbles appear on the borders.

Then, turn heating off, and pour the juice over this mix (do not stir!).
Let sit for 1 hour at room temperature.

Then, put gauze folded four times into a colander, and insert the colander over a saucepan to allow the whey to drain.

Home-Made Ryazhenka


1 l milk
2-3 tbsp sour cream


Bring milk to boil, and pour the boiling milk in a thermos.
Let sit overnight.

Then, pour the milk from the thermos into a glass jar, and let cool to 40 C (104 F).

Pour half of the glass in a separate dish, stir thoroughly with sour cream, and then pour back into the glass jar.

Let sit at room temperature for 2 – 3 hours.
Ryazhenka is ready.

Then, keep in a refrigerator.

Egg Butter for dish decorations


½ lb butter (or spread)
4 hardboiled eggs
Garlic, salt, Italian parsley, Dill, smoked ham, anchovy on taste


Peel eggs, and grate.
Grate all other ingredients.

Make puree (remove any plant bits that didn’t grate fine enough and might get stuck in teeth etc..), and whip with butter.

Make dish decorations using a confectionary bag.

Quick-Brined Tomatoes


12 campari tomatoes (or 1 lb cherry ones)
3 bay leaves
5 peppercorns
10 black peppers
2 tbsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
2 ml 70% vinegar (same as 46 ml 3%, 24 ml 6%, or 16 ml 9% vinegar)


Prepare a standard 1/4 gallon glass can (wash and dry).

Wash the tomatoes, place in a deep bowl, and pour boiling water over them for about 30 seconds, drain, and pour cold water over the tomatoes.

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