
Chicken Salad 4:


Boiled chicken breast, de-boned and de-skinned
1 bunch green onions
1 cup peeled walnuts
0.5 cup seedless raisings
1 large orange
Mayo, salt and pepper on taste


Soak raisins for 1 hour, then drain. Peel oranges.
Cut all other ingredients into small pieces, mix well, let sit for 15 minutes, and serve.

Chicken Salad-3

Ingredients for 2:

1 chicken breast, de-boned and de-skinned
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp soy sauce
0.5 lb boiled champignons (or 1 can)
0.25 lb black olives (or 0.5 can)
1 tbsp Mayonnaise
Basil greens on taste


Cut chicken breast into thin slices, and fry both sides with oil and soy sauce (do not overcook!).
Cut champignons and olives into slices, mix well with Mayo, then add basil greens, and mix once more.
Mix with the chicken breast.
Serve immediately.

Stuffed Chicken Rolls

Ingredients for 1:

1 chicken breast, 2 halves
1 egg
3-4 tbsp breadcrumbs

For marinade:

3 tbsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp dill greens
2 tbsp parsley greens
1 large onion, cut into small pieces
Ground black pepper and nutmeg on taste
Juice from 2 parts orange or grapefruit
1 pressed garlic clove


Make a marinade: mix vegetable oil, spices, and the juice from 2 parts of orange or grapefruit.

Sweet Plov


1 cup rice per portion
7 tbsp butter
tsp salt
lb white raisins
4 large onions
0.5 lb dried pitted apricots (kuraga)
0.5 lb dried pitted plums
1 lb boiled chicken breast


Soak raisins in warm water.
Boil rice in salt water to readiness, then drain. Put 1 tbsp butter on the bottom of a medium saucepan, put the rice over it, and pour 2 tbsp melted butter over the rice.
Cook with very small heating for about 35 minutes.

Stuffed kohlrabi

Ingredients for 2:

2 large or 4 medium kohlrabies
1 boiled chicken breast
1 medium carrot, boiled and shredded
0.5 cup string beans, boiled and cut into small pieces
0.5 cup grated cheese
0.5 cup whipping cream
2 cups chicken broth
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1-2 tbsp margarine or butter
Salt and ground pepper on taste


Cut chicken breast into small cubes, and cook with vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes on medium heating.

Chicken Roll

Ingredients for 1:

1 chicken breast
1 egg
2 tbsp julienne-cut ham (or ham bits)
1 tsp milk
0.5 tsp margarine
Cucumber and tomato slices
1 can chicken broth
Pepper and salt on taste


Tenderize chicken breast, sprinkle with salt and pepper (optional, with other spices).
Grease a small skillet with margarine, cook ham for 1-2 minutes on medium heating.
Whip egg with milk, and pour in the skillet.

Chicken - Cheese Pie

Ingredients for 4:

1 pack puff pastry dough
4 chicken breasts
0.5 lb Feta cheese
Greens on taste


Roll dough, and cut into 4 rectangles.
Tenderize chicken breasts very well, sprinkle with salt and peppers.
Cut greens into very small pieces, and grind greens and Feta cheese together.
Cover every breast with this mix, and roll every breast tightly.
Place the roll on a corner of a dough rectangle, and flip the sides like an envelope, to avoid the cheese leaking.

Rice Zapekanka with Chicken Meat

Ingredients for 4:

2 cups boiled rice
0.5 lb grated cheese
1.5 cup boiled and grated chicken breast
350 ml milk
0.5 cup thinly cut red onions
2 eggs
0.25 cup thinly cut coriander
2 tbsp melted butter or margarine


Pre-heat an oven to 180 C. Grease a baking dish with butter or margarine.
Mix rice, cheese, chicken meat, onions, milk, and melted margarine together.
Whip the eggs, add to this mix, and stir well.

Chicken Sticks


1 chicken breast
1 tbsp sour cream
0.5 tsp salt
Garlic, ground pepper (optional)
5 tbsp flour
7 tbsp vegetable oil


Cut breast (de-boned and de-skinned) crosswise into 5-6 parts, place them onto a bowl, add salt, pepper, garlic, sour cream, stir, and set aside for 10 minutes.
Pour flour in a wide flat dish.
Pre-heat a skillet with vegetable oil until oil is boiling.
Roll every chicken piece in the flour, and put in the skillet.

Chicken Roll

Ingredients for 1:

1 chicken breast
1 egg
2 tbsp milk
1 cup fried bacon pieces
1 tsp margarine
1 cup chicken broth
1/3 English Cucumber
1 medium tomato
Salt and pepper on taste


Tenderize chicken breast. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Whip egg with milk.
Put bacon pieces on a skillet, and fry for about 1 minute.
Pour the egg-milk mix on the skillet, and make an omelet.

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