Beef Salad


1 lb beef fillet
1 red sweet pepper
1 medium eggplant
2-3 shallot onions
2-3 tbsp wine vinegar
1 tbsp sugar powder
3 tbsp vegetable oil
Greens on taste


Boil the beef until ready, cool in a broth, then cut into thin stripes.
Peel and cut eggplant into quarter-rings slices, and cut the pepper into thin stripes.
Stir-fry the vegetables for 2-3 minutes, with 1 tbsp oil.
Peel the onions, and cut into half-rings.
Mix the vinegar, sugar powder, and 2 tbsp vegetable oil in a separate bowl.
Mix all ingredients, and stir well. Decorate with greens on your taste, and serve.

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