Country bread with greens

Ingredients for 2:

½ lb rye flour
1 lb wheat flour
1 pack yeast
1 cup water
½ cup sour milk
2 tsp salt
3 tbsp olive oil (or other vegetable oil)
1 tsp caraway seeds
1 egg
1:1:1 parsley: dill: green onions (on your taste, traditionally – some pieces)


Mix flours, sour milk and yeast dissolved in warm water, knead the dough for 15-20 minutes, then cover the dish and set in a warm place for 1 hour.
Cut greens; knead the dough for 5 minutes with olive oil and greens. Set aside for 10 minutes, then divide the dough into two equal parts and make two oval-shaped breads.
Heat the oven on 390F-410F. Place breads to a greased baking sheet, let stand for 20 minutes.
Beat egg, and grease with it upside of the bread, and sprinkle with the caraway seeds.
Bake for 0-40 minutes.
Note: To check, if the bread is ready, tap its bottom. Ready bread sounds like it is empty inside.

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