Okroshka with meat

Okroshka is an extremely popular cold soup for hot summer days.
Its base is "kvass" – a national Russian non-alcoholic drink.
Every housewife has her own recipe of kvass, and there are some patented kvass recipes.


0.5 lb boiled beef, or 0.5 lb boiled veal, or 0.5 lb ham
0.5 lb boiled and peeled potatoes
1.5 l kvass (about 0.5 G)
2 hard-boiled eggs
1 tsp mustard (optional)
1 tsp sugar
2 medium cucumbers
1 bunch green onion
1 bunch dill
Horseradish, salt on taste
1 tbsp sour cream for every serving


Blend egg yolks with mustard, sugar, salt, and horseradish, and mix with 0.5 cup kvass.
Pour this mix in a large and deep bowl.
Cut meat, potatoes, cucumbers, green onions, and egg whites into small pieces. The soup's name, "Okroshka" is from the Russian word meaning, "to chop".
Put these ingredients into the bowl, pour 2 cups of kvass over it, and mix very well.
Then, cover the bowl with a lid, and place the bowl into a refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Before serving, add the remainder of kvass to the bowl, and mix.
To serve, put 1 tbsp of sour cream, sprinkle with 1 tbsp of dill cuts, and pour soup in a serving plate, then mix in the serving plate.

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