Cold Beet Soup with Mushrooms


2 - 3 young beets
4 cups water
4 - 5 mushrooms
2 potatoes
2 – 3 cucumbers
Green onions
1.5 L Kvas
Ground horseradish
Salt, pepper, sugar
Porcini mushrooms, butter mushrooms (maslyata) or orange caps work the best


Cut the mushrooms into thin pieces, boil to readiness.

Cut beets into small pieces and boil them, add them into the mushroom broth (without the beet broth).
Сut the cucumbers, mushrooms, onions, and dill into small pieces.

Add salted cucumbers, green onions, mushrooms, dill, salt, and ground horseradish into the broth.

Pour the cold kvas mixed with the beet broth over the mix.

You can add cabbage or cucumber brine with the beet broth.

Let cool.
Serve with sour cream and a boiled egg.

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