Vegetable puree


½ lb potato
½ lb carrot
½ lb cabbage
1 cup hot milk
3 tbsp butter or margarine (optional)
Salt on taste


Wash and peel vegetables.
Boil cabbage, carrots, and potato in different pans with a little water, until they are ready (or in a microwave for about 15 minutes.)

Blend the vegetables with hot milk, butter, and salt.
Serve hot as a garnish.


If you have a little vegetable puree, you can make a fast and easy popular Russian dish named “vegetable zapekanka”.

Vegetable zapekanka:

Heat the oven to 380 F – 400 F.
Add eggs, salt and butter to the warm vegetable puree.
Put the mix in a form, bake until the upper side is golden, or lightly brown.
Serve hot as a garnish to meat, fish, or mushroom dishes, or as a vegetable dish.

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