Fish julienne from pikeperch

Ingredients for 4:

0.75 lb fish
0.5 lb porcini or other mushrooms
2 tbsp butter
1 cup sour cream
3 eggs
Salt and pepper on taste


Wash mushrooms (or wipe with wet cloth).
Cut into julienne cuts.
Wash fillets. Cut into small pieces.
Pre-heat skillet with butter and cook mushrooms until ready (for about 10 minutes).
Add salt and fillet cuts to mushrooms, mix. Put the mix in julienne dishes.
Whip egg, mix with sour cream, salt and pepper, and pour one forth part of the mix in every julienne dish over the mushroom-fish mix.
Bake in an oven pre-heated to 380ยบ F for about 35 minutes, or until the crust turns light brown.
Serve hot. Place the hot julienne dishes on small plates.

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