
Root Beets with Sour Cream


1 lb beets
0.5 lb sour cream
½ cup onions, cut into small cubes
2 garlic cloves
1 tbsp ground horseradish
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp 6% vinegar


Bake the beets in an oven until they are mild.

Cool, peel, and ground using a large grater.

Grate garlic, and mix with ground horseradish, onions, salt, sugar, vinegar, and sour cream.

Blend them together, mix with beets, and let sit for 20 minutes at room temperature.

Quick Salad with Smoked Chicken

Ingredients for 2:

1 boiled or smoked chicken breast
0.5 lb pineapple
1 pomegranate
3 tbsp Mayo


Cut the chicken breast and pineapple into small pieces.
Peel pomegranate, and clean.
Mix all ingredients together, let to sit for an hour in a refrigerator, and serve.


You can substitute fresh pineapple with a canned unsweetened one, and mayo with a mayo-sour-cream, or mayo-plain-yogurt mix.

Quick Salad

Ingredients for 2:

1 boiled chicken breast
½ English cucumber
2 hard-boiled eggs
2 cups marinated mushrooms
1 can yellow corn (or ½ lb boiled corn)
7 walnuts, peeled and cut into medium pieces
Spices and dressings on taste


Cut chicken, cucumber, eggs, and mushrooms into medium pieces, mix all ingredients, stir, add salt and dressing, stir well.
Let sit in a room temperature for 1 hour, and serve.


Cabbage Slad


1 lb green cabbage
3 hardboiled eggs
4 tbsp vegetable oil
Salt on taste


Shred the cabbage; sprinkle with salt, then squeeze softly with your hands until the cabbage gives off a juice
Grate eggs, and mix with the cabbage, pour vegetable oil in the salad bowl, and stir well.
Serve immediately.

Chicken Salad 4:


Boiled chicken breast, de-boned and de-skinned
1 bunch green onions
1 cup peeled walnuts
0.5 cup seedless raisings
1 large orange
Mayo, salt and pepper on taste


Soak raisins for 1 hour, then drain. Peel oranges.
Cut all other ingredients into small pieces, mix well, let sit for 15 minutes, and serve.

Chicken Salad-3

Ingredients for 2:

1 chicken breast, de-boned and de-skinned
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp soy sauce
0.5 lb boiled champignons (or 1 can)
0.25 lb black olives (or 0.5 can)
1 tbsp Mayonnaise
Basil greens on taste


Cut chicken breast into thin slices, and fry both sides with oil and soy sauce (do not overcook!).
Cut champignons and olives into slices, mix well with Mayo, then add basil greens, and mix once more.
Mix with the chicken breast.
Serve immediately.

Gouriev’s Cabbage

Gouriev was the head of the Russian Ministry of Finance for years, from 1810 to 1823, and was a famous gourmet and creator of a few new dishes.
One of his dishes is Cabbage a la Gouriev.


1 large cabbage 4-5 lb weight
2 large carrots
1 medium beet
1 garlic head

For brine:

1 l water
1 cup sugar
2 tbsp salt
1 cup vegetable oil
2 bay leaves
5 peppercorns
A piece of hot pepper on taste
150 g vinegar

Cabbage Salad with Green Peas


1 lb green cabbage
1 carrot
0.5 can green peas (or frozen but boiled in salt water)
1 hardboiled egg
Salt and dill greens on taste
1 tbsp yogurt, sour cream or Mayo


Shred the cabbage, sprinkle with salt, and press with your hands until the cabbage gives off some juice.
Grate carrot and egg. Cut dill greens into small pieces.
Mix all ingredients with yogurt, Mayo, or sour cream, stir well, and serve.

Fish Salad


¾ lb boiled fish fillets
3 boiled potatoes
2 apples
2 salt cucumbers
6 green or black olives, pitted
Green salad
Salt, sugar, sour cream (or Mayo, or plain yogurt) on taste


Cut fish fillets into medium pieces, and potatoes, cucumbers, and apples – into cubes.
Cut (or tear, better) green salad leaves into medium pieces, mix all ingredients, and stir until salt and sugar dissolve.
Decorate the salad with olives rings.

Bavarian Salad


3 eggs
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Flour and salt – as necessary for thin dough
0.5 lb smoked sausage
1 English cucumber
3 garlic cloves
3 tbsp Mayonnaise
Dill and Italian Parsley greens on taste


Make thin dough from eggs, flour, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, salt, and cold water.
Bake crepes, and cut them into thin stripes 2” length.
Cut sausage and cucumber into thin stripes 2” length.

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