Fish Vinaigrette – 19th century style


2 medium fish fillets
3 medium boiled potatoes
2 medium beets
1 tbsp lemon juice
3 tbsp crabmeat cuts
Greens, mustard, mayonnaise, salt, pepper


Thinly slice fish fillets.
Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and lemon juice.
Grease a wide saucepan with butter.
Put slices in the saucepan, cover pan with a lid, and cook until ready on medium heating (12-15 minutes). Cool.
Peel and cut potatoes and beets into small cubes.
Put a layer of potatoes and beets cuts in a serving dish, sprinkle it with mustard sauce, put a layer of fillets slices over it, and sprinkle with mustard sauce.
Continue until all ingredients are used up.
Cover with mayo Provencal, and decorate with green cuts and cuts of crabmeat.
Place in a refrigerator for 2 hours.

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