Liver in sour cream

This is one of the classic Russian dishes – "Liver in sour cream"

Ingredients for 4:

1 lb liver (pork, veal, beef)
1 lb sour cream
3 tbsp vegetable oil
3 tbsp flour
Salt, ground pepper – on your taste


Wash liver; remove all membranes
Slice into wide thin cuts.
Mix flour, salt, and pepper, and crumb slices in this mix.
Pre-heat a skillet with vegetable oil with high heating.
Put liver slices on the skillet, and fry until a light crust forms.
Turn, and fry other side, then remove slices from the skillet.
Set heating to low.
Add sour cream to the skillet, mix well, and when it starts to boil, put liver slices into the sour cream for 1-2 minutes.
Serve liver slices with any of your favorite garnish (boiled vegetables, rice, buckwheat, pasta), and pour sauce from the skillet over it.

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