Salad “Belorussia”


1/10 lb dried porcini
1/2 lb beef liver
2 salt cucumbers
3 shallot onions
2 eggs
3/4 cup mayonnaise (or mix mayonnaise and sour cream)
3 tbsp vegetable oil
Pepper, greens, salt on taste.


Wash dried porcini 3 times. Then put them in a pan and soak it in cold water for 2 hours. Then boil them in the same water for 1-1.5 hours. Cool and slice.
Boil beef liver in another pan for 40 minutes. Cool and cut into small cubes.
Slice peeled onions, and cook in a skillet with vegetable oil until its color is gold. Cool.
Slice cucumbers to small cubes.
Put the porcini, beef liver, onions, cucumbers, salt, (optionally, pepper) and mayonnaise, in a large dish
Mix very well and serve.

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