Goulash in the pot


2 lb beef (no bones)
2 lb potato
5 tbsp oil
1 large onion
1 large sweet pepper
½ lb tomatoes
1 tbsp wheat floor
1 tbsp red pepper
½ tsp marjoram
½ tsp black pepper
½ tsp salt


Slice the onions thinly. Fry them in oil until they turn golden. Turn off
heat, and mix onions and red pepper.
Cut meat by cubes 1" x 1" x 1", and add it to onions. Sprinkle with marjoram and
black pepper, mix well, and then add 2 tbsp water and cook on low heating, stirring
every minute. When juices start to evaporate, add 2 tbsp of water or dry
Peel, wash, and cut potatoes into medium cubes. Remove seeds from sweet
pepper, wash, and slice into thin stripes.
When meat is mild, add the potatoes and sweet pepper.
Cover, and let it simmer.
After 10 minutes, add cut tomatoes and salt.
Pour goulash in pots; add water, cover, and place in cold oven.
Heat oven to 380° F and cook for 1 hour, or until meat and vegetables are ready.
When it is done it should be bright red, and spicy.

Note: Traditional Hungarian cuisine, where goulash is most popular,
add dumplings or noodles.
In Russian cuisine, goulash was and is a popular dish, and
is very appropriate when you have to feed a big number of people.

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