“White Birch” Salad


1 cup boiled chicken breast cut into medium cubes
1 green apple, peeled and thinly grated
3 boiled egg whites thinly grated
1 shallot onion, peeled, cut into half-rings, and fried for 2 minutes with vegetable oil
¼ lb grated cheese
Mayonnaise and greens on taste


Put a layer of fried onions in a salad bowl, sprinkle with mayo.
Put a boiled chicken meat layer over it, sprinkle with mayo.
Put the next layer of grated egg whites, cover with mayo.
Put the next layer of grated apple.
Put the next layer of grated cheese over it, cover with mayo.
Decorate with greens, let sit for 1 hour at room temperature, or for up to 12 hours in a refrigerator, and serve.

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