Rainbow trout under walnut sauce


2 lb rainbow trout fillets cut into 4 pieces, or 4 rainbow trout.
ΒΌ lb peeled walnuts
3 garlic cloves
Salt and parsley greens on taste


Peel and wash the fish.
Bring 2 cups water to boil with greens and spices on taste, put the fish in the boiling water, set to low heating, and boil for 7-13 minutes.
Drain the fish and put on serving plates.
Grate walnuts, garlic, and salt (or use brick and mortar), add 1-2 tbsp hot water, and mix well until a sour cream like consistency together.
Pour sauce over the fish, decorate with parsley greens, and serve with your favorite garnish for fish.
Serve immediately.

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