
Stuffed Pike


Whole pike more than 4 lb weight
1 carrot
2-3 tbsp pork fat
1 large shallot onion
2 egg yolks
Salt, pepper, dried dill greens
A pinch of grated nutmeg
1 lb white bread
1 lb whipping cream
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp mayonnaise

For broth:
Celery root, dill, bay leaves, washed onion shells


It is a famous dish, but it requires a lot of work, more than stuffed chicken.

Fish in beer dough

Ingredients for 2:

1 lb fish fillets without skin and bones
2 eggs
½ cup beer
4 tbsp vegetable oil


Make dough from the breadcrumbs, beer, eggs, and salt.
Pre-heat a fryer or a deep skillet with 4 or more tbsp vegetable oil.
Cut fillets to medium-size pieces, dip every piece in dough a couple times.
Fry for about 4 minutes in a fryer, or 4 minutes per side in a skillet.
Drain on paper towels, and serve with your favorite garnish and dip.

Fish-and-rice a la Portugal

The father of famous gourmet count Stroganoff (did you try beef a la Stroganoff?) was a Russian ambassador in several countries including Portugal, and a famous gourmet too. He collected recipes in countries he worked from, and returning to Russia, he studied chief cook, as they represented these new dishes as an evaluation of nobilities. Finding and trying out new gourmet recipes was one of the nobilities' leisure in 17th - 19th centuries.
One of the main ingredients of Portugal cuisine was a salt cod "backalau", and 365 recipes of its production exist.

Fish "Miller"

Ingredients for 1:

0.5 lb fish fillet
0.5 lb small young potatoes
1 tbsp white wine
1 tbsp fish broth
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp lemon juice
Parsley green, salt on your taste


Boil fish fillet in salt water for 10 minutes.
Boil potatoes until ready.
Place the fish and potatoes on a serving plate.
Melt 0.5 tbsp butter, add parsley greens, lemon juice, white wine, fish broth, and mix well.

Blintzes with salmon soufflé


For blintzes:
50 g flour
2 eggs
0.75 cup milk

For soufflé:
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp flour
2 egg yolks and 3 egg whites
0.75 lb hot smoked salmon
1.25 cup milk
1.25 cup whipping cream
0.25 lb ground "Gruyere" cheese
1 shallot onion
2 tbsp ground parmesan cheese
1 bay leaf


Mix ingredients for blintzes, blend them, and cook blintzes on a small or medium skillet.

Fish in potato crust

Ingredients for 4:

4 large (or 8 small) fish fillet pieces, total 0.5 lb for serving
4 large potatoes
4 tbsp potato flour
2 eggs
3-4 tbsp oil
1 tsp salt
Spices on taste (dill, parsley, ground black pepper)
1 medium shallot onion


Wash, peel, and grate potatoes.
Squash juice.
Add eggs to potatoes, and mix well.
Peel onion, and cut it into small cubes.
Add onion to potatoes, and mix well.
Roll fish fillets in potato flour.

Tsar's Salmon


4 fish fillets (preferably salmon) pieces weighting about 0.5 lb each (or 8 by 0.25 lb)
0.5 cup dill cuts
0.5 cup Italian parsley cuts
4 tbsp corn flour (or other flour)
2 measure cups (for rice-cooker) rice
1 cup whipped cream
1 cup grated cheese
1 tbsp butter
Spices on taste (salt, pepper, etc.)


Slice fillets into 1" width pieces.
Mix 0.25 cup dill cuts, spices, and 0.5 parsley cuts, sprinkle the every slice with this mix on both sides.

Fish in Madeira sauce


4 fish fillets (preferably trout) pieces by 0.5 lb (or 8 by 0.25 lb)
1 lemon
0.5 tsp grated pepper
1 cup Madeira
1 tsp butter

For sauce:

1 tbsp butter
3 tbsp wheat flour
0.5 cup cream
Garlic on taste
0.5 cup dill cuts


Mix Madeira, lemon juice, and pepper together.
Put fish fillets in this mix, roll, and let stand for 1 hour.
Pre-heat an oven to 380º F.

Sour Cream Pie with smoked fish


2 smoked fish
1 shallot onion
1.25 lb sour cream
3 eggs
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup flour
1 cup grated cheese
1 tbsp butter


Take boneless, skinless fish fillets, cut into medium cuts.
Peel and cut onions thinly.
Whip eggs, sour cream, and salt for 2-3 minutes.
Mix flour and baking powder.
Blend flour and egg-sour cream mix together, to get thin dough.
Let it sit for half hour in a warm place.

Appetizer "Mushrooms from eggs"


4 hard-boiled eggs
1 can sprats (or other fish preserves)
2 tbsp mayo
Greens on your taste
0.5 cup strong boiling tea


Peel eggs; cut the top third of the whites.
Boil these “cups” in a strong tea until they turn brown color, light or dark, as you like.
Grate yolks, and cut sprats into small cuts.
Cut greens.
Mix yolks, mayo, greens, and sprats, and blend.
Fill the whites with this mix.
Sprinkle serving dish with greens.

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