Cheese Pancakes with Walnuts and Dried Figs


1 lb tvorog (or dry small curd farmers’ cheese, or ricotta)
0.5 cup flour
4 eggs
3 tbsp sugar
1/4 lb dried figs (or raisins)
2/3 cup peeled ground walnuts
2/3 cup sour cream
4 tbsp butter or margarine
Salt on taste


Blend tvorog until it is of an even consistency.
Soak dried figs for 1 hour, then drain, and cut them into small pieces.

Separate the egg yolks and egg whites.

Stir tvorog, 1/4 cup flour, egg yolks, ground walnuts, salt, and dried figs together.

Make small oval pancakes by getting a tablespoonful with a full top, covering with another tablespoon, and getting rid of the extra on the sides. Then, drop it into the rest of the flour, and fry with butter for 2 minutes per side.

Then, place in an oven pre-heated to 380 F (170 C) for 5 – 7 minutes.
Serve hot with sour cream.

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