Profiteroles Picante


For Dough:
0.5 stick butter (25g)
0.2 lb flour (75g)
2 eggs
Salt on taste
Butter and flour to grease and to sprinkle a baking sheet
For cheese cream:
1 hard-boiled egg
2 tbsp Brynza cheese (or Feta)
3 tbsp sour cream
1 tsp thinly cut Italian parsley
Salt and fresh-grated pepper on taste
For ham cream:
0.2lb ham (75 g)
2 tbsp sour cream
1 tsp Grand Marnier
Nutmeg and fresh-grated white pepper on taste
For decoration:
Green salad leaves, 2 dill stalks

Bring 0.5 cup water to boil, put butter in and stir on medium heating.
Add flour and salt, and mix well continuing heating.
Knead while the dough turns into one piece (avoid the white “film” on the saucepan bottom, if it rises, turn the heating off. Let stand for 10 minutes.
Add eggs, and mix them well with the dough.
Pre-heat an oven to 370º - 380º F.
Grease a baking sheet with butter, and sprinkle with flour.
Squeeze 45-48 dough pieces (the size of a walnut) on the sheet.
Bake for about 30 minutes, then cool profiteroles, and cut the tops.
For cheese filling, make puree from egg, brynza and sour cream.
Add salt, pepper, and parsley, mix well.
For ham filling, make puree from ham, sour cream, and Grand Marnier.
Add pepper and nutmeg and mix well.

Squeeze fillings into the profiteroles, using confectionery bags. Cover them with the cut off tops.
To serve, cover serving dish with salad leaves, put profiteroles on , and place the dish in a refrigerator for half hour.

You can bake profiteroles a few days before you serve them, and keep them in a tightly covered jar.
You can make fillings for 1 day before serving, and keep these crèmes in a refrigerator.

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