russiancuisine's blog



  • 4-6 potatoes
  • 1 cup dried porcini mushrooms
  • 1-2 onions
  • 2 eggs
  • 0.5 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp butter or margarine
  • Salt, dill, and pepper on taste
  • 1 cup cabbage cut into angel hairs (optional)


Soak mushrooms with 1 cup cold water for about 2 hours.

Home-Made Rassolnick


1.25 lb boneless and fatless beef
0.5 gallon water
1.25 lb potatoes
1.25 lb cabbage
0.25 lb carrots
2 tbsp ground parsley root
2 tbsp celery root
1 medium onion
1/3 lb pickles (or salt cucumbers, or cornichons)
0.25 gallon brine from pickled cucumbers
3 tbsp butter or margarine
Salt, pepper, bay leaves, sour cream on taste


Put meat in cold water, and boil. Remove the foam, and boil at low heating for 2-2.5 hours.

Meat Okroshka – Cold Soup

Ingredients for 4:

5 cups not sweet rye kvass
½ lb boiled de-boned meat (or Bologna, sausages, etc.)
1 large English cucumber, or 2 medium cucumbers
1 bunch radish
1 bunch green onions
2 boiled medium potatoes
3 hard-boiled eggs
Dill, mustard, salt, and sugar on taste
1 tbsp sour cream per portion


Cut meat, cucumbers, and peeled potatoes into cubes.
Cut radish into thin rings.
Cut onions into small pieces, and mix with salt.

Brussels Sprouts Soup-Puree

Ingredients for 1 portion:

1.5 cup water
1/3 lb Brussels sprouts
3 tbsp rice
0.5 cup milk or whipping cream
1 egg
Salt and butter (optional)


Boil the water, put rice and Brussels sprouts in the boiling water, and boil with low heating until they are ready.
Keep the broth.
Make puree from the Brussels sprouts and rice.
Mix the puree and the broth, bring to boil, and turn off the heating.
Whip the milk and the egg, and pour in the soup cooled to 120 F.

Sweet Plov


1 cup rice per portion
7 tbsp butter
tsp salt
lb white raisins
4 large onions
0.5 lb dried pitted apricots (kuraga)
0.5 lb dried pitted plums
1 lb boiled chicken breast


Soak raisins in warm water.
Boil rice in salt water to readiness, then drain. Put 1 tbsp butter on the bottom of a medium saucepan, put the rice over it, and pour 2 tbsp melted butter over the rice.
Cook with very small heating for about 35 minutes.

Apple Pancakes


1 cup apple puree
0.5 cup wheat flour
0.5 cup sugar
2 oz melted butter or margarine
0.5 tsp salt


Mix all ingredients; allow sitting for 1 hour at room temperature, and cooking pancakes as usual.

Julienne from mushrooms

Ingredients for 4:

1 lb mushrooms
4 tbsp vegetable oil
1 large onion
2 cups milk or whipping cream, or sour cream
1 cup ground cheese
Salt and spices on taste


Slice mushrooms, and boil or cook them for about 10 minutes with medium-low heating.
Drain mushrooms (you can make mushroom soup using this broth).
Peel the onion, cut it into thin stripes, and cook with the vegetable oil for about 10-12 minutes until it turns golden colored, stirring thoroughly.

Apple-Cheese Salad

2-3 large apples
1 cup grated cheese
0.5 cup sour-cream-sauce
1-2 tbsp ground walnuts or pine nuts


Peel and grate apples, and mix with ground cheese and sour-cream-sauce.
Sprinkle with nuts, and serve.

For sour-cream-sauce:
Whip cold sour cream with salt and your favorite spices (pinch of "Five spices", for example).

Cabbage Guryev


1 cabbage (about 5 lb weight)
2 large carrots
1 medium beetroot
1 garlic head

For marinate (brine):
1 l water
1 cup sugar
2 tbsp salt
1 cup vegetable oil
2 bay leaves
5 black peppercorns
1 piece hot pepper on your taste
2/3 cup vinegar


Bring water to boil, add all ingredients for marinate except vinegar, mix, and boil for 1 minute.
Remove heating. Add vinegar to marinate.

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