

Ingredients for 8:

1 large green cabbage (Savoy or another cabbage is very good too)
1 lb meat
½ lb rice
2 onions
2 medium carrots (optional)
1 cup broth
1 cup sour cream
1 tbsp any vegetable oil
5 tbsp tomato sauce (optional)
Greens, salt, and spices on taste

Grind the meat. Boil the rice until ready.

“Tsar” schi

Ingredients for 4:
1 lb beef with bone
1 lb smoked ribs
2 shallot onion
2 carrots
½ red sweet pepper
4 potatoes
1,5 lb sauerkraut
3 tomatoes (or ½ lb tomato sauce)
bay leaf, garlic, black pepper, salt, greens and sour cream on your taste

For dough (for 1 pot):
¼ frozen sweet butter, grated
1 egg
2 tbsp sour cream


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