Pork with Oranges

Ingredients for 4:

2 lb pork neck boneless meat
3 medium oranges
Salt, pepper, other spices on taste
4 cup cooked rice


Wash the meat, and make about 1” deep crosscuts.
Sprinkle the meat with spices.
Cut oranges into medium slices.
Put a piece of foil on a baking sheet, then put 6 orange slices on it, and put meat over the oranges.
Put more orange slices over the meat, and wrap the whole thing in foil.
Place the baking sheet into an oven, heat the oven to 180 C, and cook the meat for about 1 h 30 min.
Unroll the meat with oranges. De-skin the orange slices, and cut them into medium
Cut the meat into medium pieces.
To serve, place a portion of cooked rice in the center of a serving dish, put the meat pieces around the rice, and put the orange pieces over the meat.

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