
Meat Roll with Egg Stuffing


1 lb ground meat
0.5 cup breadcrumbs
3 slices white bread
1 cup broth
1 large onion
1 egg
4 hardboiled eggs
2 tbsp flour
2 tbsp sour cream
1 large salted or pickled cucumber
1 tbsp cut Italian parsley greens
Salt and pepper on taste


Soak white bread with broth.
Cut cucumber and onion into small cubes, or grate them.
Whip ground meat, soaked bread, egg, sour cream, spices, cucumbers, and onions together.

Ground Cutlets with Cheese


1 lb ground meat (beef, pork, lamb, veal, or a mix of them)
1 large onion
3-4 medium potatoes or ¾ lb angel-hair-cut cabbage
0.5 lb cheese
Spices on taste


Peel potatoes and grate.
Peel onions, and cut into small cubes.
Cut cheese into small cubes.
Mix the ground meat, ground potatoes (or cabbage), onions, and spices together.

Then, add the cheese, and stir one more time.
Shape hand-sized patties, and cook them.

Zapekanka with Vermicelli


½ lb vermicelli
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
2 cup fruit preserves (cherry, black currants, blueberries)
1 cup melted margarine or butter + 2 tbsp margarine or butter for baking dish greasing


Boil the vermicelli until it’s ready, as per instructions.
Then, drain, stir with butter or margarine, and let cool a little.

During that time, whip eggs, sugar, and fruit preserves.

Pre-heat an oven to 400 F (200 C).

Kohlrabi simmered with Cinnamon


1 lb peeled kohlrabi
2 tbsp butter, or margarine, or vegetable oil
1.5 tbsp flour
0.5 cup sour cream
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 tbsp thinly cur parsley and dill greens
1/3 tsp cinnamon
Salt and ground black pepper on taste


Cut kohlrabi into medium slices, roll with flour, sprinkle with salt, and fry on a skillet for 3 minutes per side with medium heating.

“Sand dough”


2.5 cup flour
300 g (2/3 lb) butter or margarine
3 egg yolks
1 egg
1 cup sugar
0.5 tsp baking soda
Salt on taste
Add-ons (ground nuts, dry fruits) on taste


Mix flour and baking soda.

Blend butter with sugar until the sugar dissolves, add egg yolks one by one and stir them well until an even consistency is reached.

Stir in salt.

Then, pour this mix into the flour, and make dough.

Salmon soufflé


0.5 lb boiled salmon fillets (or 1 can pink salmon)
1 lb warm potato puree
4 eggs
0.25 cup milk
1 onion
Salt, pepper, sweet red pepper on taste


Separate egg yolks and egg whites.

Blend fish fillets.

Cut the onions into small cubes.

Whip all ingredients but the egg whites together.

Grease sides and bottom of a soufflé oven-safe dish, and place the whipped mix into the dish.

Whip egg whites.

Hot buterbrodes with Mushrooms and Cheese

Ingredients for 4:

2 Russian rye bread slices per portion (The Russian version of rye bread seems to be the best for this recipe)
8 cheese slices
1.5 lb champignons
1 onion
3 tbsp butter or margarine
8 tbsp whipping cream
8 tbsp Cherry
2 tbsp Italian parsley green cuts
Salt and pepper on taste


Cut bread crusts.
Grate mushrooms and onions together, and simmer them with butter or margarine, with medium heating, stirring occasionally.

Sprouts-Mushrooms Zapekanka


0.75 lb sprouts
0.75 lb mushrooms
1 large onion
9 bread slices
1/3 lb ground cheese
1 tsp salt
1 tsp lemon juice
Pepper on taste
3 eggs
0.25 lb sour cream, or plain yogurt
5 tbsp milk
1/3 tbsp salt
Pepper on taste


Cut bread slices to cover the sides and bottom of an oven-safe dish (keep the leftovers).

Cut sprouts into 2-4 parts.

Root Beets with Sour Cream


1 lb beets
0.5 lb sour cream
½ cup onions, cut into small cubes
2 garlic cloves
1 tbsp ground horseradish
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp 6% vinegar


Bake the beets in an oven until they are mild.

Cool, peel, and ground using a large grater.

Grate garlic, and mix with ground horseradish, onions, salt, sugar, vinegar, and sour cream.

Blend them together, mix with beets, and let sit for 20 minutes at room temperature.

Cod liver – Tvorog Pate


200 g (or 0.5 lb) tvorog
60 g (or 3 oz) cod liver, boiled or canned
4 hard-boiled eggs yolks
1 slice of white bread, soaked in water
Tomatoes and thinly cut parsley and dill greens for decoration
Salt on taste


Blend tvorog, cod liver, yolks, and bread until an even consistency.
Place in the middle of a flat plate; decorate with tomato rings and greens around the center, serve.


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