Chicken “kneles” - Main dish


1 pack (1 lb) ground chicken
1 lb prepared rice (white, brown, any other one)
1 medium shallot
2 cans chicken broth (optional)
2 eggs (optional)
Salt on taste
Ground black pepper (optional)


Set large pan with water (2 cups) or chicken broth to heat.
Peel onion and cut it into small cubes.
In a large dish, mix ground meat, rice, onions, salt, and (optionally) eggs.
Knead until even consistency (3-5 minutes).
When water starts to boil, make “kneles”: take the mix with a wet hand and shape it into a ball (they will enlarge in water). Put the knele into the boiling water, and make the next one.
Repeat until the mix is gone.
Boil kneles for 5 – 10 minutes, it depends on their size.
Serve hot with your favorite sauce, or just with sour cream.

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