Meringues with bananas


1 banana
1-2 tbsp chocolate

For meringues:
1 egg white
1/3 cup sugar

For cream:
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp sweet concentrated milk
1 tbsp any fruit preserves without seeds


To make meringues, whip cold egg white, and add sugar tablespoonful at a time; continue whipping, until thick consistency. Probably, to make a really thick mix, you will need to add 2-3 more tbsp sugar, or few drops of vinegar.
Put banana on baking paper; mark its shape with a pencil. Turn paper to other side, put on a baking sheet, and squeeze meringue mix with a confectionary bag onto the banana shape.
Pre-heat an oven to 80º- 90º C, and place the baking sheet with the meringue mix in the oven for 1.5 – 2 hours.
To make cream, whip 2 tbsp warm butter, concentrated sweet milk, and fruit preserves (you can add stabilizer for whipped cream, or 1 tbsp brandy).
Take out meringues from oven, and cool.
Put cream over the meringue, then put half of the banana over cream, and pour melted chocolate on.
Cool and serve.

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