Soup with kletski

Ingredients for 4:

1 qt any broth
0.5 cup milk, or water, or whipping cream
0.5 cup flour
6 tbsp vegetable oil
2 large eggs
Spices on your taste


Take medium saucepan; pour milk (or water, or whipping cream) on it.
Bring milk to boil, add salt and vegetable oil, and continue heating.
When this mix starts to boil, pour all the flour in the saucepan, and mix as fast as possible until the even consistency, and turn heating off.
Continue stirring until cool enough to add eggs.
Add eggs, and continue stirring until the even consistency.

Bring broth to boil, add spices.
Take dough with a teaspoon, and place this portion to the boiling broth.
These portions of the dough are named “kletski”
Continue while running out of the dough. Boil all together for 5-7 minutes with medium heating.
Serve hot with greens and (optionally) sour cream.

Try to make same-shape kletski.

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